Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July!! I thought I would get to blog about all of this on Sunday, but that day flew by too!! I'm tired so I'm going to keep this fairly short if I can!! Saturday we woke up to pouring rain, which of course canceled the parade for us. We decided to go to breakfast and fortunately the rain let up by the time we were leaving so we headed on over to the fair that our town puts on every year. There are carnival rides and games, inflatable kids things, a magic show, food, food and more food...did I mention fair food? LOL...this is what Michele likes...fair food...red beans and rice, jambalya, corn dogs, funnel cakes, fried oreos, those thin sliced potatoe chip things...okay I gotta stop before I faint from thinking of it all! Where was I? oh yeah and besides the fireworks what most people look forward to are the concerts! Earlier in the day one of our favorite local bands Trixie Delight was suppose to play. I'm not sure if they got to or not because that's when it was pouring. So after getting some snack food we scouted out a spot to sit and wait for Sister Hazel to come on stage...and of course it poured again. But we're not afraid of rain right? (I have pictures that my son took of Sister Hazel but he hasn't had time to upload them off his camera for me)
Sister Hazel was amazing...played right through the rain and this beautiful full arch rainbow appeared. The band was available after the concert for autographs and they took pictures with fans. I thought they were an awesome band :o)
After Sister Hazel the crowd was pumped for Gavin Degraw. The crowd had doubled I think by this time. We were close to the front so we were all really packed in there. The people that we had around us were fun and everyone was just having a really good time. I mean here we all were sitting in the mud, getting poured on several times but you have fair food and good music, what more could you want right? Degraw got to about the fourth song and it is really raining by this time again (but we're all so soaked none of it even makes a difference anymore) any way across the sky there is a flash of lightening :o( We all know what that means at an outdoor concert. Party is over. The city official shut the fair down for everyones safety. Gavin Degraw apologized which of course it was not his fault, you can't control the weather. All up concert goers picked up our soggy blankets, lawn chairs, coolers and what not and did the slip n slide through the mud back to our cars. Unfortunately there were not even any fireworks on the fourth for us because of that lightening (they didn't want the people there in danger who would come to see them). So that was my fourth of July LOL...and a fun time was had by all ;o)
Sorry I got this posted so late! I was waiting for the pictures and then I figured I'd better post it anyway and when I get the pics I'll just add them in another post! I also did add two items to
ebay last night I just never got to the post ;o) Here they are:

The Queen Bee so reminds me of Marie Antoinette!! I think it's the way the wings are split that remind me of the old fashioned dresses. I'm not sure what it was lol, but I made sure this little bee was very french ;o) The earrings my youngest Zach found for me at an antique store! There was a pin and a necklace and he said, look mom you could make earrings out of these! and how right he was!! Hope you enjoy these and I'm hoping I can get everything back on track ;o) xo Michele