Well hopefully someone noticed that I didn't blog tonight when I normally do. I've been wrestling with something all day and didn't blog about it first thing because I wanted to give myself time to cool off first. I'm sure you can tell by the title that I received emails from people telling me that a certain person has started copying my jewelry. I followed the links and sure enough it's as close as you can get since they are vintage materials that I use. I emailed her and of course this began a back and forth discussion (I'm using that term loosly here) about what exactly a copy is. How since I painted on glass then I must have copied off of the first person that painted on glass. Ah, but to me this is not the same thing. I'm not saying that because she put vintage items together that she is copying me. I'm saying that because she painted a face on a small piece of glass and then put it together exactly like mine. All us painters paint angels, witches, mermaids, etc.. that is not a copy. It is when you purposely try to make yours look exactly like the other persons. And I'm not talking inspiration here. Because I think there is another fine line where someone can be inspired by another artist. I obviously have been inspired by mixed media jewelry artists...but I purchased their books so that as an artist they are making money from their designs! Even though my designs are not like any of theirs they have inspired me at some point. Beth Piver is the first artists that really inspired me in this area, along with Susan Lenart Kazmer. You can see the influence of them both I think in my work. But the key word is influence. My dad has always told me imitation is the best form of flattery. But why doesn't it feel that way?? Where do we draw the line and write in our descriptions, inspired by (fill in the artists name). I've noticed that the polymer clay group seems much better at this where artists like Christi Friesen are concerned. Pc artists put in their descriptions design inspired by Christi Friensen. Her how to books ask you to please state this when using her designs because copyright laws state that you must make three changes to not be considered a copyright infringement. I don't want to play art police. I want to inspire people. I want to encourage them. I want them to find their creative wings and soar! I want them to find their own creativity. So that they can soar and I think that is the key. If you are always imitating and not doing what is in your own heart can you really ever soar?
It's late and I never intended to go off on a rant about this stuff. Because it's just too much negative energy for me and I really like to keep things very positive. Anyone who can bring this much negativity into my life is certainly not worthy. What I had really wanted to blog about is my mimosa tree! I love love this tree and when it blooms I think they look like pink flamingo eyelashes LOL! Here's a pic of one of the blooms!
Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day! Good night everyone! xo Michele
PS: yes I did list two new items on
ebay LOL ;o) check them out if you get a chance!